Friday, August 5, 2005

Lets take a Coffee break !

Feeling really bored ?? Wanna stay awake all nite for submissions ?? Wanna refresh yourself ??

The best solution to all these situations is " COFFEE "..We all would agree with this..n now CCD's , Barista's are adding a different dimension to coffee experience..In these outlets, you can go almost anytime, have a cup of coffee with your friends, can chat with your pals without any time restriction..You can listen your favourite songs, buy books, play scrabble, watch tv etc etc...

In the afternoons n in the evenings, Cappucino or chococino or cafe latte are generally the favourites ; while in the late evenings, nites, late nites,, irish coffee, americano are the preferred ones..My favourite is 'americano' which is basically black coffee..It gives me a big zatka to stay awake all nite..Nescafe rules when you are home n dont want to go out..It just pulls you out from howsoever bad your mood could be..

cheers !
n Lets meet for a cup of coffee !

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